14 Tips For Keeping Your New Year’s Weight Loss Resolutions

14 Tips For Keeping Your New Year’s Weight Loss Resolutions

We’re a little over halfway through January. Are you still pursuing your New Year’s resolutions?

According to some research, 23% of people quit by the end of the first week, and 64% quit by the end of January. In fact, only about 9% of people who set a New Year’s resolution succeed in keeping it. These statistics may not look very encouraging, but the truth is, with the right strategies and mindset, you CAN reach success. So, let’s look at what you can do to improve your odds…

Break Down Big Goals and Be Specific

“I want to lose weight” is not a goal. It’s a passing thought. Goals need details, like how much, and by when. You need to be clear on what it is you want exactly, and you need a timeline. But even then, your goal may seem so daunting that you’re paralyzed into inaction. So, break that big goal down into bite-size pieces. Instead of focusing your mind on losing XX number of pounds by summer, focus on a monthly or bi-weekly goal of X pounds or X inches around the waist. Keeping your goals specific and manageable is key to staying on track toward your larger target.

Stay Focused

So many of us like to think we’re good at multi-tasking. And maybe some of us are. But research has shown that you’re more likely to achieve your goals when you have fewer of them to think about. Don’t spread your efforts thin. Instead, focus on just one or two goals at a time.

Know Your “Why”

If they were easy to reach, they wouldn’t be goals, would they? The reality is that you have some work ahead of you. And merely wanting to reach your goal may not be enough to pull you across the finish line. There are going to be times when you have to dig deep. When this happens, you need a compelling reason to push forward. You need a good “why”. Why is reaching your goal important to you? Write it down, post a photo, or otherwise keep a reminder of your “why” close at hand. But don’t become blind to it. Take a moment first thing every morning to ponder your “why” and recommit to your goal.

Make a Plan

Your goals won’t be reached by sheer will alone. You need a plan of action. So, what will it take for you to reach your goal? What do you need to do on a daily basis to achieve it? Focus on those actions, like replacing sugary snacks with healthy ones, and you’ll be well on your way to reaching your goal.

Schedule It

A goal without a plan of action is just a wish. And you need more than just a plan. You need to follow it. Sometimes this is just a matter of modifying your behaviors, replacing one action with another. But other times, it means taking on new tasks, like adding exercise into your day. When this happens, don’t just say to yourself that you’re going to start walking every day. Instead, decide when you’re going to do it, and put in on your calendar. As they say, plan your work and work your plan.

Document Your Progress

Whether you keep it in a note on your phone or write it in a journal (our preferred method), it’s important to track both your progress and your efforts. So, while you may want to record things like your weight and waistline, it’s also important to monitor the things that impact those measurements. On a daily basis, you should record your meals (snacks, too), your physical activity, amount and quality of your sleep, and anything else that may be affecting your progress. Keeping a journal will give you an opportunity to reflect every day on your goals, your successes, and areas for improvement. It will help to keep you focused and on track. Plus, when you finally do reach your goals, you’ll have a detailed story to look back on!

Be Patient

There are countless stories out there about “overnight” successes that in reality took years to achieve. That’s because good things can take time. So be patient with the process and be patient with yourself.

Forgive Yourself

Equally as important as patience is forgiveness. You’ll foul up from time to time. That’s perfectly natural and to be expected. So don’t beat yourself up about it.

Acknowledge it and move on.

Be Realistic

Be honest about your goals, but don’t settle. Your goals should be a bit of a stretch to reach, but they shouldn’t be unattainable. That will only set you up for failure.

Be Flexible

Avoid being too rigid with your goals. It’s okay to change them as your circumstances change. But you can also build in some flexibility. To do this, set your goals in terms of “will do”, “should do”, and “could do”. Your “will do” goal is most certainly achievable, while your “could do” goal is much loftier and more challenging to attain. Your “should do” goal falls right in the middle. By setting your goals like this, you can stretch for your “could do”, but if you fall short, you can still achieve one of your other goals. And that win will feel so good, and it will keep you focused and motivated.

Partner Up

The journey to reach any goal can be a challenging one. When it comes to weight loss, that can be especially true. So don’t make the trek alone. Find a partner you can support in their goals and who will support you in yours. You’ll help keep each other honest and motivated.

Get Professional Help

If you’ve been struggling to reach your goals, or you’re just not sure how to start or what to do, then it’s time to call in the experts. A professional can help put you on the right track with the right strategies and resources. They can help you through challenges, help you make adjustments when necessary, keep you motivated, and keep you on course. When it comes to your wellness and your weight, this is especially important.

Be Accountable

Be accountable to yourself. Better yet, be accountable to others. By sharing your goals with a partner or a professional, you’re more likely to do what it takes to get there. After all, it’s easy to let yourself down. It’s harder to let others down.

Don’t Give Up

The reason most people eventually give up on their goals is that they set themselves up for failure by not following the tips in this article. The more of these points you implement, the more likely you are to succeed. It still takes work. There will still be times when you’re disappointed or throw in the towel. But remember, persistence pays off. Keep at it. You’re worth it!

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