Long-Term Weight Loss Success Starts NOW
At OVYVO, getting started toward your weight loss or weight management success is easy. Just fill out the new patient forms, then call us at 1-888-WTLOSS1 to schedule your initial appointment (in-office or virtual). Or, schedule your virtual visit here. A healthier, more vibrant you is on the way! It’s is as easy as…

Complete New Patient Information
First, please complete our intake form for new patients and include a complete list of medications and supplements that you’re currently taking.
Our providers need this information at least 48 hours prior to your initial appointment. Please note that the initial appointment may be rescheduled to a later date if the intake information has not been completed .
(If you are already a patient, but have not been seen in six or more months, please update your information here.)

Schedule An Appointment
After completing the intake form, call us to schedule your in-office or virtual visit, OR schedule your virtual visit online…

Get Medical Records (Optional)
For patients with extensive or complex medical histories, we recommend (but do not require) bringing the last two years of medical records, lab tests, and EKG’s to the initial appointment. (Learn more about obtaining your medical records here.) We are also happy to request records on your behalf.
This step is optional, but in some cases, it can help us initiate a treatment plan sooner.

Your Initial Appointment
During your first visit with us, we will:
• Review your medical history and labs
• Perform an EKG if a recent one is not available
• Perform a brief physical exam
• Perform a Body Composition Analysis or digital 3D Body Composition Scan
• Discuss and initiate treatment options and other recommendations
• Answer questions and address concerns
• Schedule a follow up appointment

Follow-Up Appointments
Regular appointments help you stay on track to reach your goals! We will:
• Review updates to your medical history, labs and vitals
• Perform follow-up Body Composition Analyses or 3D Body Composition Scans (approx. every 90 days) so you can actually see your progress
• Discuss current treatment plan and its effectiveness, and decide if other options are appropriate
•Discuss recommendations related to diet and exercise, when appropriate
• Answer questions and address concerns
Oh, Yes! You Can!
A program designed just for you. All the right tools and strategies. And compassionate professionals cheering you on.
You deserve this! Schedule your appointment now…