Simple Activities & Lifestyle Modifications

A Weight Loss Exercise Plan Based on Simple Lifestyle Changes

Though diet is a key component to losing and managing weight, a focused weight loss exercise plan is your secret weapon in getting faster results and making them last. At OVYVO, we believe exercise does not have to be grueling. In fact, simple, yet enjoyable activities can rev up your body’s metabolism, burn more fat, and help you stay happier and healthier overall.

We start by looking at each patient’s daily routine, their overall health, and physical capabilities and limitations. This gives us a clear picture of the individual’s needs and abilities, and it helps us pinpoint where small adjustments can be made to create an effective yet moderate exercise plan. But don’t let the term “exercise plan” scare you. What we’re really talking about is simply incorporating more physical activity into your day. For example, taking the stairs rather than the elevator to get to your office, or parking further from the store when you go shopping. Even household chores contribute to your activity level. These simple lifestyle changes add up, and the results may surprise you.

In addition to lifestyle modifications, we believe physical activity should be fun, and something you look forward to. Enjoy the outdoors? Take a walk around the block or enjoy the scenery of a nature trail. If you’re more social, join a tai chi class or do a low-impact sport with a friend. Finding an activity that agrees with your personality and interests makes it more rewarding and easier to stick with. As you build strength and endurance, you may even find that you want to challenge yourself.

Even if a physical condition means keeping your exercise plan minimal, consistency is key. Building simple changes to lose weight into your daily routine can have a major positive impact. We find that our patients are amazed at the difference that a small increase in fitness level can have on their physical health, mental wellbeing, and overall vitality.

Let us tailor an activity plan for you that will keep you motivated and give you the tools you need to make lasting change. Schedule an appointment today!

Oh, Yes! You Can!

A program designed just for you. All the right tools and strategies. And compassionate professionals cheering you on.

You deserve this! Get started now…