

How To Get Started with Mediterranean Diet for Weight Loss

How To Get Started with The Mediterranean Diet for Weight Loss Considering the Mediterranean diet for weight loss? The great news is that it isn’t just a diet—it’s a lifestyle that has flourished along the sun-drenched coasts of the Mediterranean Sea for centuries. Rooted in Greece, Italy, and Spain, the Mediterranean diet is a way […]

Understanding Food Labels to Reduce Your Sugar Intake Navigating a nutrition label can be challenging, especially when it comes to understanding and managing your sugar intake. In our modern American diet, sugar is everywhere. And it’s not just in the usual suspects like desserts or candy. Many processed foods use sugars in one form or […]

How To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals in 2024

How To Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals in 2024 As we step into 2024, many of us will set health and weight loss goals with fresh enthusiasm. After all, there’s a lot of “new year, new you” hype this time of year. And a new year just feels like the right time to make big […]

40 At-Home Exercises For Weight Loss – No Equipment Needed! Exercise plays an important role in weight loss and overall health. But sometimes the weather makes outdoor exercise challenging. And sometimes you just don’t have the time (or the energy) to go to the gym. No worries! The good news is that you can still […]

How To Lose Weight With Type 1 Diabetes According to the American Diabetes Association, approximately 1.9 million people in the United States have type 1 diabetes. In these cases, weight management can be a significant challenge. This is due to the body’s inability to manage blood sugar. In this article, we’ll delve into effective weight management […]

November's Healthful Harvest

November’s Healthful Harvest Welcome to our monthly “Healthful Harvest” post, where we share timely information about our local bounty of in-season produce, along with helpful resources for eating healthily, heartily, and sustainably. November’s Harvest During the month of November, you can find an abundance of fresh Pennsylvania-grown fruits and vegetables. As always, keep in mind […]

October’s Healthful Harvest Welcome to our monthly “Healthful Harvest” post, where we share timely information about our local bounty of in-season produce, along with helpful resources for eating healthily, heartily, and sustainably. October’s Harvest During the month of October, you can find an abundance of fresh Pennsylvania-grown fruits and vegetables. As always, keep in mind […]

How Gut Health Impacts Your Weight

How Gut Health Impacts Your Weight and What To Do About It What is good gut health? How does it impact your efforts to manage or lose weight? And what can you do to improve your gut health to lose weight and boost your overall health? In the vast universe of our body, trillions of […]

Changes to Office Fees & Medication Prices – October 2023 About Our Upcoming Price Changes We are deeply committed to our core mission of giving patients the best weight loss options without breaking the bank. And we remain focused on providing custom quality care and treatment that you can actually get your hands on. In […]